Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bird, Sr.!

For Jbird’s birthday this year, he got money for a piano.  We weren’t very good at accepting it and when we first got to Bloomington, we started looking around for el-cheapo uprights or top line electric keyboards.  However, the benefactors insisted we needed a more respectable piece of furniture in our lounge for this degree.  We do.  And we’re very, very grateful.

We became rather disheartened with the lack of decent pianos available to buy here in Bloomington so I did some asking around and we were informed of two great stores up in Indy (Indianapolis).  It took us nearly two months to get up there but we finally made it yesterday.  What’s that saying?  Veni Vedi Veci - We came, we saw, we conquered!  We are the proud owners of a shiny brand new Kawai Studio in mahogany, Model 506N.  

I’m looking forward to cashing in on some free piano lessons. Usually, I'm really familiar with Jbird's music.  I can't wait to hear what he's playing at the moment. 

Veni vedi veci actually means "I came, I saw, I conquered".  I think Julius Caesar was wrong when he said that, I bet all the minions did the work for him.


  1. YEAH! I am so excited for you guys, I can just imagine the beautiful music that is going to flow from your house!

  2. yeah, it comes TOMORROW! YAY! Hopefully the neighbours don't hate us...
