Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On drinking coffee and other no-nos

To drink or not to drink while pregnant?  This is my daily battle.  Don't get me wrong, I'm only drinking decaf because I have taken a no caffeine from coffee stance.  But I'm still drinking decaf.  Because coffee is delicious and comforting and many say you can drink coffee anyway.  Up to two cups.  I've chosen to ignore their stance.  You may remember that I haven't even been drinking a whole cup a day now that I'm not teaching full time.  I don't really understand how regular tea is different from coffee and no one seems to think that tea is bad, not even my-mum-the-midwife.  So I succumb.  Now that I'm no longer feeling nauseas, it's getting harder not to.   Today was the first day I felt like a glass of wine but I find that one really easy to ignore because Jbird has told me he'd rather I didn't even sip alcohol.  So there we have it.  If he lays down the law, it turns out I listen.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're expecting? Congratulations to you both!

    30ml of espresso has 40-75mg of caffeine content, compared to 14-61mg found in 240ml of tea, and 30-35ml in 355ml of coco-cola. Just to keep it in perspective.

    Jason Li

  3. Have you considered coffee substitutes like caro etc that actually aren't too bad once you find one you like and actually beneficial, they might have more variety in the health food shop, although they do carry a few different types in the supermarkets over here.

  4. I wasn't aware tea had caffeine I thought it had tannins, worth investigating!

  5. It does have caffeine, that's why you can get de-caf tea too. I'm definitely looking for substitutes. There's a great shop mum and I spent hours in which has a lovely variety anything you could ask for.

  6. We just saw a program on TV called what's in you food, it was about caffeine. It said there was as much caffeine in a cup of tea as a cup of instant coffee!

  7. I guess I'm not too worried about tea, I don't drink much (a couple of cups a week) but I would love to know how much caffeine is in decaf coffee.
