Thursday, December 29, 2011

positive-thought-less day

Today is a hole in the middle hard day.  Maybe I'll tell you all about it one day, when I can see the lighter side of things. I have been watching the Dick Van Dyke show which sort of helps, but I can only watch 1.5 episodes before I'm bored, he's just too goofy.  They're short episodes, too.  As his screen wife, Mary Tyler Moore is too perfect.  

What do you do when life gets on top of you? 


  1. Make a batch of sugar cookie dough - and eat all the dough!

  2. ha ha, I don't know if I could do it. Maybe if it were chocolate chip cookie dough. oh. Yum. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I wrote a comment which was longer than your original post, bit my browser's deleted now before I managed to post it. Humbug.

    I love you, and I hope you're feeling better.

  4. Yup, today is a brand new day! I'm sad I lost your message. Happy new year. xx

  5. Don't forget Annabel that when life's getting you down that we all love you and care about you and love reading your blog! Happy New Year!!

  6. thanks! Is that Sue and Ken? Don't forget to tell me who you are if you're publishing anonymously.
