Sunday, October 23, 2011

SHHHHH...don't tell!!

World cup fever hasn’t really made it to Bloomington, Indiana.  The timing is all off as the games play in the early hours of the morning here.  Jbird has been able to watch one pre-recorded game on a t.v. screen and we’ve watched two others and highlights, more than 72 hours after the original screening (the earliest you can watch them besides getting up to watch live), from the internet.  Our Scottish friend has paid for the cable channel which shows some of the games and he has recorded the final for us to watch this afternoon.  That means no email, no facebook, no radio ALL DAY.  <What a lovely reprieve>.  I have made chocolate éclairs for the French and vanilla cupcakes with chocolate icing and hopefully a white silver fern and/or kiwi birds iced on top (not yet completed) for our All Blacks. 

Jbird, unfortunately, just went on our gmail account to call his sister about church this morning and the inevitable has happened.  Someone emailed (to congratulate? Condole?): he read the results in their subject line!!  His reaction is awful (i.e.: it was explosive and now whatever he says is leading and it’s got me all in a tither).  The first disastrous moment is over and I think I might make it to 3pm.  He’s super disappointed but I’m glad it wasn’t me!

1 comment:

  1. haha! i didn't get the reasoning for the media fast at first but now i see! :) you guys are great! i'm so glad it was a positive result! :D
