Saturday, November 12, 2011

Just so long as you're happy

One of my many guilty pleasures is to watch back to back episodes of a show I’m enjoying at that moment, often whole seasons at a time (at the same time I’m knitting up a storm, so the time isn’t completely wasted). 

This week I have been watching a particular show about a Hollywood stylist.  No names shall be named.  When you watch the show a lot, you can’t help but notice the shallowness with which they make life changing decisions.  Their favourite mantra, when musing, is: “Well, I mean, just so long as you’re happy.  I don’t mind what you do, just so long as you’re happy.”  This is often at the expense of employees or so called loved ones.  Actually, a lot of the time their loved ones are paid by them – but that’s another story.  Nothing seems to make them happy.  Maybe the editors are more concerned with drama and don’t show the less shallow moments.

I have been thinking about this “just so long as you’re happy” mantra, and how often I use it myself, at the detriment of others.  A whole lot, I suspect.

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