Friday, February 3, 2012

Definitely, Maybe

Jbird was away for more than 12 hours today and I had a kind of lovely girlie day all to myself with no plans on my schedule.  Sometimes those days don't turn out too well but I was okay today. How does one express a smile without images?

I finished making my last Christmas present (and it's not yet February!), started a new crochet project, popped down to the library to read the newspaper and pick up some literature (recipe books, magazines, DVDs - I already have a few books on the go), had a video chat on skype to a lovely cousin-in-law and her bubs, and didn't bake anything except corn bread for my black bean chilli (how American am I?).  

It ended with the lovely movie: Definitely, Maybe.  From the makers of Notting Hill and Love Actually.  I'm not sure how I ever missed seeing this one when it first came out.  It's full of lovely shots of New York and that tough little actress, Abigail Breslin.  She's from Little Miss Sunshine.  It's the kind of movie Jbird will be happy he missed while I am wondering about buying it for our DVD collection.  

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