Monday, October 1, 2012

Pickled green tomatoes

My friend invited me over to help her pickle some green tomatoes.  In my endeavour to experience 'play' more, I happily took her up on the invite.  Canning at this time of year is a necessary, happy activity where you can take stock of some of the abundance of produce you have worked so hard to grow.  The temperature has dropped so drastically, we're finding our tomatoes are taking a long time the redden on the vine.  She picked all of hers recently due to a frost scare in her part of town but mine are sheltered enough, I'm going to leave most of them a bit longer. I have been enjoying watching how big my beef steak tomatoes can get, a few have been the size of grapefruit.  I'm hoping to make and freeze some pasta sauce if I get enough ripe at the same time.

She has all the canning gear, so it was a nice afternoon of catching up with each other and following fairly simple recipes.  She even has a mandolin which sliced them all beautifully and efficiently.  To be honest, the idea of pickeled green tomatoes doesn't sound very appealing to me but both she and my mother swear by them so I'm willing to give them a try.  She sent me home with five jars, including one from last year to compare to a recipe we did this year.  And I only nicked myself very slightly on the mandolin. 


  1. I have finally found you! No, it's not a random stalker, and sorry this has absolutely no relevance to your post. It's Chrissy. Email me. I lost your email address etc when my computer crashed. Now I have found your blog I can follow you!!!!! And if you email me I will email you back and tell you all my news ...

  2. YOU FOUND ME YOU FOUND ME! And you have some AWFULLY ROUND news to tell me. Ha ha. I hope it's only one this time! (I emailed AND I messaged you from Jbird's facebook page so I can't disappear this time).
