Sunday, October 21, 2012


It's the end: I've handed in two out of three papers and am proof-reading the last right now.  I'm not sure about this last one; it's not my best work.  I hope it's not my worst, I want to pass and be done with it.  I have found the style of writing for this class all but impossible.  It's a psychology class and the detail they're interested in reading is not the detail I'm interested in writing.  I've tried to come to a compromise of sorts, where I write what they want and not what I want.  If you could call that a compromise.    But because I know I'm probably off the track, I've also sent it into a great service at my school to be pre-read.  I sent one other paper in and they gave me all sorts of great advice, and pointed out some errors I'd made in formatting along the way.  I was interested in that paper though, and enjoyed improving it further.  The problem with this paper is I probably won't want to take the advice once I get it.  Somehow my motivation was lost back in June for this class and there was no getting it back.  It's interesting to me because for a little while I was throwing around the notion of doing a doctorate in Educational Psychology.  There's no way I'm touching that with a barge pole now. 

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