Saturday, January 28, 2012

Book Club Time

I just attended my second ever book club meeting.  I hosted but I decided not to go all out with the snacks.  I made biscotti a week ago and boxed fudge-brownie that very night.  With tea and coffee, I thought that was enough.  I'm glad I made that choice because one of the ladies brought some delightful coconut cupcakes which could really shine.  

We had all read the book March by Geraldine Brooks.  It's pretty great, and horrendous, all in the same breath.  In reading the book I felt that I learned a lot - about human nature, the American civil war - so I enjoyed our brief discussion.  She writes from the perspective of the father and the mother from Little Women by Louissa May Alcott.  It's such an idyllic, beautiful, romantic classic.  I loved the way Geraldine put a spin on that, showing us the reality in amongst all that perfection. 

p.s. I'm reading "the Jane Austen Book Club" which is a lovely light read, about a book club which only reads Jane Austen books.  It is a great portrayal of personalities as they combine to create a book club atmosphere.  A nice read.


  1. i must get back into my book club too! Its been a while!

  2. What a beautiful thought, cooking down so that other's efforts can shine. What an inspirational post!

  3. Thanks number one fan. Unfortunately, my motives weren't all pure...I also find women fickle to cook for as they don't want to waste their calories. I would rather put in less effort and not be upset when it's not eaten. Luckily, my book club likes to eat and I won't be holding back next month!
