Monday, July 9, 2012

Heat Wave

I have holed myself up in our apartment.  Leaving it seems insane as the heat is such that I fear melting.  I quickly lose capability for clear thinking and so have set the AC at a humid 83 degrees.  Better than 102, less expensive than 68, my brain is mush above 85: the fine line.  

Outdoors, sweat appears instantly on my skin. The now solar-heated pool provides little comfort, and the garden wilts under the bright rays.   Only the sunflowers are happy, beaming from their awkward slant, reaching for the sun.

Life as it is goes on within a two-room box.  Perhaps staying in-doors will also be insanity.

* I wrote this after 2 weeks of very hot weather but it did rain briefly yet torrentially yesterday.  I'm very glad for my garden. 


  1. Right? The heat is ridiculous. This headline is literally true: "Planes, Trains and Automobiles Melt in the D.C. Heat"

  2. Redic. SO glad for the rain yesterday, dropped 10 degrees, plants have had some water. I can breath again and stop avoiding leaving the house.

  3. I saw a picture of a plane sinking into the melty tarmac yesterday. O_O Ridiculous! Our AC has been malfunctioning since last week, hopefully it's getting fixed today because waking up sweaty is getting old fast... hahaha.

  4. Yes, we just had ours 'charged' hopefully that helps. I don't know why it took us so long to think about getting it fixed though!
