Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lettuce on my sammy

I forgot to tell you, about a week ago our lettuce was ready to be eaten!  It is the most lovely thing to pop out and pick a few leaves for our sandwiches everyday.  As quick as I pick, more leaves grow.  I planted a variety of flavours and colours and we have some dill ready too.  I never would have thought I'd like dill until I grew it myself and got to taste that particular bitey flavour representing something I'd grown myself. I feel a little bit silly being so pleased with myself as this is a common occurrence for so many people, but I am anyway.


  1. You should post a picture! I don't think it's silly either, it's awesome!

  2. We also think it's awesome! We can so easily rush through life without taking time to enjoy little ways of interacting with nature's delights. You certainly make the best of every situation Annabel and are an inspiration to us all!

  3. aw, thanks guys! Why don't we all pop out for some lettuce together sometime?
