Friday, March 8, 2013

No more sugar: Why go cold-turkey?

Because I believe it's the only way for me right now.  For a long time, I was really good at only eating one sweet treat a day.  ONE a day.  Currently it seems as if sweet treats are the majority of what I eat.  My love of baking is a big part of the problem.  I try to tell myself I'm doing it for Jbird, or just for the process of it; but now I think it's part of my addiction.   I don't know if this will be forever; I think it might just be for right now, to help me get some perspective of what has white sugar and what doesn't.

Just so you know, this is by no means a diet: I don't believe in diets and I don't think I'm overweight by any means.  I don't want to eat less, I just want to stop the craving I have for sweet things.  Can I do this while I'm pregnant? I think so!  I've already discovered that raw nuts are more tasty without added raisins and I'm looking forward to discovering the same for many other foods.  Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck! Ironically, I only crave sugar when I'm at a healthy weight. When I'm overweight, I have little interest in it. Now, tempt me with a steak and my mouth starts to water!

    1. I guess sugar is my current nemesis. Be gone!

  2. Ken and I always crave something sweet after dinner. The only way we can overcome the craving is to not have things like Icecream and chocolate around on a regular basis, only for special occasions. Sometimes when we haven't had them for awhile we weaken and buy in. We find a piece of sweet fruit after dinner helps diminish the craving (a bit!).
