Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bumped on the front

Many have asked for bump photos so here they are.  These are my least favourite of photos to pose for but seeing as I'm the one who chose to have this baby so far from home, I thought I'd comply.  This is me at...um...30-ish weeks.  There's a week discrepancy of my due date between myself and my midwife by just three days, but it makes all the difference in deciding what week I'm at.  Let's say she's right and it's 29.  That gives me an extra week before bubba Bird makes her appearance.  And the idea of being at 30 weeks already kind of freaks me out.  

It's not a true profile.  Sorry.  I hate the twisting head that becomes necessary for a true profile.  Plus these angles might be a little more flattering. Nobody likes to grow a beer gut in 30 weeks.  Now that I look back at the photo Jbird took on Christmas day at 20 weeks, I see that I barely look pregnant.  I think I really wanted to look pregnant at the time, I thought it was about time I did.  And I remember feeling huge.  For the next ten weeks, all I did was complain about looking - and feeling - fat.  Silly me.  Enjoy the time, baby will be here soon.  

Finally I look pregnant and I've become accustomed to the belly and no longer feel fat and people are starting to ask me when I'm due.  And tell me I'm looking great.  Which is pretty nice for the self esteem. 

 photo 1 and 2: 29 weeks

  20 weeks


  1. You are looking great! I feel like I have been "looking pregnant" very early on, which kind of makes me think I am further along than I really am... I bet if I compared my 25 week belly to your 30 week belly I'd win. :) Hope your last ten weeks are easy.

    1. thanks - I still can't believe how small I look at 20 weeks. I remember feeling huge! I hear that if you've had kids already, your belly just pops right out there. Plus you have two of them in there (I'm glad that's not me). So far so good, iron is feeling better, I wonder what the blood tests will tell me.
