Thursday, August 2, 2012

A visiting kiwi

We had a kiwi guest last week stop by for lunch.  She's originally Argentinian but I knew her as a little, little girl in Auckland when she was BFFs with my mum and we'd see her all the time.  It turns out her mother was a professor at IU and her brother's still here.  She visited him here just last year but we didn't know of her Bloomington connection and she thought we were still in Baltimore.  At the time, I noticed on that-social-networking-site-which-shall-not-be-named that she was at Indianapolis Airport.  I commented on her post, asking why she was there and telling her where we were.  Turns out she had been in Bloomington for two weeks and was on her way home.  What a surprise.  

Her sister-in-law passed away unexpectedly last week so she is here again to help her brother and attend the funeral.  She made sure to include us in her visit this time.  It felt so strange, and so normal, to have her over being all kiwi-like.  The world feels really rather small at a time like that.  It's a fun kind of story to tell.


  1. Are we not mentioning the social networking site because the stock might go down even more?? :) We had music time this morning to It's a Parade and the like.

  2. Ha ha, no, I feel as though I am inadvertently advertising them through my complaints! Though I guess they're known by everybody. Are the boys singing yet!?
