Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Where have you been??

You may notice that my posts have been fairly sporadic recently.  Life is pretty ho hum - I'm stuck on a three hourly rinseandrepeat of feed, play, sleep.  However, that's not a good excuse because BabyBird is completely captivating to me and I could write about her and post photos of her all the time.  

The truth is, I've been stuck in a game on facebook.  Completely addicted to it.  It's not candy crush - I've never played that before but it seems like that's what all the cool cats are talking about.  No, it's called Words of Wonder.  I've unlocked 7 chapters and I'm up to level 91.  I spend so much time playing this game, it will sometimes get to lunchtime, BabyBird's onto her second nap, and I've only just managed to eat and change and do nothing else!  Seriously.  90% of the time I'm spelling three or four letter words so it doesn't feel like it's stretching me very much yet I cannot stop.  I think the addiction is due to the different aspects they add to each level.  There are flame letters, timed rounds, flying letters, ink to be cleared, and an owl which narrates each new level.  Luckily there are only 12 chapters so there is an end to my addiction...

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