Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Processing the ideas

I'm working on a paper I initially found interesting but I had to put it aside for another one and I'm finding it really hard to pick up again.  The ideas that are coming up are all based around critical pedagogy: democracy, voice, agency, dialogue.  Really great ideas.  Unfortunately, the research I have found is all humanistic in that it not only suggests power should be distributed evenly, it also says we create power, together.  I was getting really sucked into this idea, that it is us that creates power but I read a something by Paul Friere today about the idea that we create word (or dialogue as he calls it), together, not alone. And it struck me that no, we don't, God did, does, and will.  But then He gave a lot of it to us, earthly power, and we mess it up all the time.

I spent the next four hours not doing anything because I was so flummoxed by it all, I wondered if I needed to change topics at this late stage, and I had to have a moment to have a think.  I'm ready to get into it now.  Or tomorrow, when I'm not working (bah today was my 'study' day).  My implications are going to be awesome, but I will dutifully analyse and synthesis the humanism out of it all first. 

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