Monday, June 11, 2012

Lavender essential oil

I've been enjoying using the strongly scented lavender buds to create a few different things including lavender shortbread* and lavender-blueberry pops.  When I was at home for my little sister's wedding, my big sister let me use her lavender oil on a pimple and it disappeared almost miraculously.  Ever since, I have been meaning to buy some.  However, whenever I look it up online or check the price in a store, I am outraged by the price.  I really am!  $10 for a tiny wee bottle, and those are American dollars!**  This week, I found this recipe for lavender essential oil, and I am steeping some of the good stuff right now.  In vodka (go and read the recipe).  I'll let you know how it turns out.  I think it's amazing what you can find on the internet and loved giving this a go.

*warning: New Zealanders, please use a NZ recipe for shortbread as we have different flour.  I swear we do, TRUST ME.  I suggest everybody experiments with different quantities of the flavours: lemon, mint, and lavender.

**US dollars remain significantly higher than NZ dollars.


  1. Okay, I love essential oils! And you're making your own--how cool is that?! :) Hope you are doing well, friend. I think another coffee date is in order soon.

  2. Hey Mel! Long time nooooo see. Yes, coffee must be in the cards. I'm excited about my essential oil too! I'll let you know how it turns out.
