Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Today is our due date and as babies are very unlikely to arrive on this much longed for date, we were advised to plan something a little bit special.  After painting baby's dresser in the cooler morning, we put together a picnic lunch and went down to the lake for a swim.  I was one grumpy cow on the way there - I needed FOOD - but I managed to calm down to a very pleasant storm after some lunch and a dip in the big pond.  We have had two gorgeous summer days in a row, ranging around 26-32 degrees Celsius (80-90 degrees Fahrenheit).  Storms are forecast for tomorrow and the next day.  This may seem incidental to your life but I wanted to let you know and be jealous that we finally have some lovely weather and/or what the weather might be like when BabyBird arrives.


  1. Nice that you could enjoy the warm weather. Will be praying for a smooth and uncomplicated delivery for you. If you hold on until Monday our girls will share a birthday!

  2. I don't feel as though I need to 'hold on', there's no action on this end!

    1. That's how I was with Lucas - absolutely no signs of labor until the big day!
