Saturday, June 1, 2013

It's like getting hit by a bus

Perhaps not exactly the same as that but that is the only traumatic experience I can pinpoint right now to compare to giving birth.  She's 11 days old and I still ache and feel tired all the time.  I never want to do anything besides feeding baby, feeding myself, changing baby, changing myself, and sleeping.  If I can manage just those activities in a day I feel okay by night time.  BabyBird seems to be more settled too.  I guess this general malaise is as much as can be expected right now.  At least I have enough energy to eat BabyBird with my eyes.  This photo was ironically taken after I'd fallen asleep while writing this post.


  1. Baby Bird is so blessed to have such a wonderful mummy & daddy who are so dedicated to her well being. All the pains will very soon fade into a past hazy memory as you enjoy feeding her more and more while you watch her grow!This is daddy's opportunity to show what a brilliant servant leader he can be! We'll pray for your body to heal and recover quickly and that you'll carry on having enough energy to get you through each day!

  2. That's what these first few months of recovery are for! I am convinced it takes us women that long to recover so we can learn about our babies and bond with them.

  3. Is that some insider music joke? The computer sticker?

  4. no insider music joke. An insider Ithaca joke. Jbird lived in Ithaca, it has loads of gorges and is generally is gorges. (It's in Upstate New York)
